World Animal News

New HSUS Report Reveals Licensed Dog Breeders Still In Business Despite Filthy Conditions, Dying Dogs & Cruel Practices

The Humane Society of the United States recently released its 10th annual Horrible Hundred report revealing thousands of dogs suffering across the country at commercial dog breeding operations known as puppy mills—many of which are still in business despite years of documented animal welfare violations.

The report describes violations such as failing to provide proper care to injured and emaciated dogs, dogs and puppies exposed to extreme weather, and dogs living in cramped, filthy, and unsafe conditions.

The report also provides a sampling of 100 problem puppy mills and puppy sellers operating in the United States, based on state and federal inspection reports. For the 10th year in a row, Missouri has the largest number of problem puppy sellers on the list totaling (26), followed by Iowa (17), New York (12), and Kansas and Wisconsin (seven each).

“When a family visits a pet store that claims to only sell puppies from USDA-licensed breeders, they’d never expect that these breeders maintain their status despite performing DIY surgeries on puppies and failing to provide proper care to emaciated and injured dogs in filthy conditions,” said John Goodwin, senior director of the Humane Society of the United States’ Stop Puppy Mills campaign. “Countless families are duped into paying top dollar for a puppy they are told had the best upbringing and will be a perfect family dog, but who really came from a dismal puppy mill.”

Some states like Ohio and Oklahoma have few entries in the report this year because they failed to respond to HSUS’ public records requests in a timely manner. This apparent violation of the intent of the states’ public right-to-know laws leaves the public in the dark about conditions and whether state agencies are making efforts to protect dogs.

Among the most disturbing findings in this year’s report: 

In the decade of publishing the Horrible Hundred report, many breeders have appeared five, six, or seven times due to recurring appalling violations, yet they remain in business. However, some progress has been made during the last 10 years: 

Dozens of pet stores across the country purchased puppies from dealers in this year’s report, and at least 11 of the dealers were found to have recently sold animals to Petland, the only national pet store chain in the U.S. that still sells puppies. Petland has fought laws across the country that would end the sale of puppy mill puppies in pet stores, claiming they only purchase from high quality breeders.

The Horrible Hundred report documents examples of many common problems at commercial breeding operations that sell to pet stores, flea markets. and online.

The public can do their part by choosing to adopt not shop, and by asking their lawmakers to support the federal Puppy Protection Act, which will increase standards of care at federally licensed puppy breeding operations. 

The full report is available HERE! 

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