New York Residents: Take Action To Ban Cruel & Outdated Cosmetics Testing On Animals Throughout The State

Cruel and unnecessary testing on animals for cosmetics and personal care products has been happening for many decades. Thankfully, a new bill has been proposed in New York that would prohibit the manufacturing and sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals throughout the state.

The cosmetics industry has profited from the suffering of animals to ensure its own upward growth in the consumer market. Inside of these labs, small defenseless animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs are confined in cages until they are subjected to horrific and painful experiments that are outdated and ineffective.

Animals do not respond to chemicals the same way that humans do. A chemical or product that is deemed safe for a mouse, rabbit, or for other animals may not be safe for human use.

Additionally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not specifically require the use of animals in testing cosmetics for safety, while the cosmetics industry already has safer and more reliable testing methods that don’t cause harm to innocent animals. Hundreds of companies that have pledged not to test on animals have already proven there’s no longer any acceptable reason to torture animals for our vanity.

What you can do to help: 

Please urge your New York state legislators to VOTE YES on S4839/A5653 to save animals from unnecessary suffering in labs for cosmetics.

1. Call your New York state senator and state representative today. To identify your senator and representative and their corresponding contact information, please click the link below and enter your address. Find your New York legislators HERE!

When you call, you can simply ask to leave a message for your senator and say:

“As your constituent, I urge you to support the ban on the sales and production of animal tested cosmetics. Rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs should not die for lipsticks or shampoos. Please vote yes on S4839/A5653″

2. Please send In Defense of Animals’ letter to your New York state senator and New York state representative by filling out the form HERE!

Content courtesy of In Defense of Animals. Help them continue fighting for animals, people, and the environment by making a donation HERE!

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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