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Tucson, Arizona, Has Officially Canceled Its Controversial Bull Run Festival

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We are thrilled to announce that the highly controversial Bull Run Festival, which was scheduled to take place in Tucson, Arizona, on May 3rd and 4th, has officially been canceled.

The event was modeled after the highly controversial Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain—a spectacle that traumatizes animals for entertainment and profit while also endangering human participants.

The Bull Run Festival has been held six times in Arizona and Nevada over the past three decades, but this would have been the first time the event was held in the Tucson area. The event was scheduled to take place at Old Tucson Studios and would have forced 12 bulls to chase participants through a quarter-mile, 15-foot-wide course a total of 11 times.

Historically, the famous bull run in Pamplona is notorious for its dangers. “Thrill seekers” often suffer bruises and other injuries, with footage showing participants stumbling, covering their heads, dodging bulls’ horns, and narrowly escaping being trampled. There have also been several deaths as a result.

Meanwhile, the bulls—unwilling participants—endure fear, stress, and trauma due to the chaotic, loud, and crowded environment. Bull runs have no place in a progressive, modern society.

On March 18th, the Pima County administrator stated that the event’s contracted vendor failed to provide proof of the required insurance. The manager of Old Tucson Studios also confirmed that organizers were unable to meet this requirement.

While the official reason for cancellation is the lack of insurance, In Defense of Animals strongly believes that public pressure played a key role. Over 11,500 supporters signed an alert urging Old Tucson Studios and American Heritage Railways to cancel the event, and many made calls and sent messages in protest.

There remains an outside chance that the event could be rescheduled if the promoter provides the necessary insurance, but unless that happens, the event will remain canceled.

Content courtesy of In Defense of Animals. Help them continue fighting for animals, people, and the environment by making a donation HERE!

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