Humane Society International (HSI) has deployed a disaster response team to Kangaroo Island on a search and rescue mission for wildlife survivors of the bushfires that have scorched over one third of the island. As HSI surveys the devastation first hand, the charity welcomed today’s announcement by the Australian government pledging aid for species and habitat recovery.

“The land we’re searching is utterly scorched with charred animal bodies everywhere. It is very confronting to see the extent of the loss of wildlife. In one area, which was badly burned a week ago, the scenes were nothing short of apocalyptic. We only found one living koala amongst thousands of bodies of koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and birds.” said HSI/Australia CEO Erica Martin in a statement. “So as we prepare to set out again to search for surviving animals, we warmly welcome this $50 million pledge. A substantial elevation of funds to the environment will need to be sustained for the long term.”

HSI’s team — led by Kelly Donithan, who is a global expert in disaster response — is building water and food stations to sustain uninjured wild animals in the area, as well as rescuing survivors suffering from burns, injuries, smoke inhalation and other physical or mental trauma.

The first reports from Kangaroo Island are harrowing to read; however, despite the devastation, the team has found and provided aid to koalas, kangaroos, and possum survivors. Local groups on the ground with whom HSI is working are battling around the clock, especially Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park, which is taking in and caring for burned and injured animals.

“These are some of the toughest scenes I’ve ever witnessed as an animal rescuer: the bodies of charred animals as far as the eye can see. But as we set out each day on search and rescue, we’re still finding animals alive, injured, dazed or traumatized, and it’s such a relief to be able to give them immediate life-saving assistance,” said HSI’s senior specialist in disaster response, Kelly Donithan. “We’ve seen kangaroos with devastating burn injuries and dehydrated koalas gasping for water. Amidst all this death, every time we find an animal alive it feels like a miracle. The local sanctuaries here are working around the clock, so we’re bringing in every animal we find in need of veterinary care and then heading straight back out to save more.”

HSI’s team is assessing every animal survivor they find to decide if they can be left in-situ or taken into care. If animals are uninjured and have access to a reasonable food source, it is far less stressful for them to be left with a water station so that the team can check back on them later.

Ms. Donithan explained: “Obviously, the goal is to keep animals in the wild as much as possible. Unfortunately, the landscapes are so decimated that for many this hasn’t been an option because there is nothing left for them to eat or drink, so they need to be taken in for care. Sadly, some animals are so badly burned that euthanasia is the only option. We found one kangaroo so burned her feet and tail were nothing but exposed bones. She was in a terrible state and must have endured such suffering, so I’m grateful at least that she didn’t have to die out there alone and in pain.”

Despite the best efforts of firefighters, rescuers are seeing new fires continuing to spring up, with animals fleeing with burns. One possum was rescued by the team after emerging from flames as the team was stopped waiting to see if the road ahead would become passable or whether they needed to find an alternate route.

Humane Society International/Australia manages a network of 600 wildlife sanctuaries across the country as part of its Wildlife Land Trust. Many of these sanctuaries have been devastated by the fires or are experiencing an influx of patients to care for. With assistance from HSI, HSI/Australia will provide funds, supplies and support to Wildlife Land Trust sanctuaries and other wildlife carers across fire zones.