Urgent Help Needed To Find The Remaining Five-Week-Old Puppies Who Were Recently Kidnapped In Washington, D.C.

Earlier this week, the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA) announced that it was seeking the safe return of six vulnerable puppies who need their mother, siblings, and follow up veterinary care for the sake of their current and future health. The organization, which is based in Washington, D.C., is offering a reward of up to $7,500 for any information that results in the safe return of the missing puppies.

It is feared that the puppies, who were kidnapped from HRA and separated from their mother at the age of three-and-a-half-weeks, may have been sold or given to unsuspecting buyers or adopters. They are now about five weeks old, and if they are not reunited with their mother and siblings immediately, they will be at risk.

The heartbreaking incident began to unfold after one-year-old Godiva gave birth to a large litter of seven puppies in August. She and her puppies were transferred to a foster home where they could spend their critical growth period together in a more ideal environment rather than a shelter.

Not long after, HRA received a call about a dog who was tied to a pole. Sadly, the abandoned dog was Godiva. Humane law enforcement officers subsequently executed a search and seizure warrant at the address where the puppies were suspected to be living, but only found one of Godiva’s seven puppies. This lone puppy was reunited with Godiva and is now in the care of HRA.

As per an update yesterday on Humane Rescue Alliance’s Facebook page, the organization is now caring for one of the six kidnapped puppies after a member of the community, who will receive a reward for coming forward, heard about the story.

“Veterinarians with HRA examined the puppy, named Aries, and determined that he was relatively healthy. Aries will be reunited with Godiva and his sister, Glitter, as soon as possible,” the organization explained, further sharing that the Humane Rescue Alliance team is hopeful this will inspire others who might have information to come forward for both the welfare of the puppies, and peace of mind for its community and staff.

“Both siblings will benefit from growing up together during their formative years and won’t experience the trauma of being separated from mom too early in their life, concluded the post. “We desperately want this for the rest of Godiva’s puppies who have been robbed of this.”

To ensure the health of Godiva’s missing five puppies, HRA needs to speak with anyone who might have information regarding the whereabouts of any of the puppies or with those who might have been given or purchased one of them. HRA is continuing to offer a reward of up to $7,500 for any information that leads to the location and or safe return of these young puppies.

All tips can be anonymously reported to HRA at 202-723-5730, select option 1.

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