Veterans & New Yorkers Plan Rally At New York City Hall On August 15th To Support A Ban On Horse Carriages

Photo by: NYCLASS

An important rally is scheduled this week to help urge New City Council members and Mayor Eric Adams to pass the newly revised Ryder’s Law, (Intro 967), into law to protect carriage horses from abuse and neglect.

NYCLASS, Military veteran horse rescue organization The Unbridled Heroes Project, PETA, Council Members Erik Bottcher, Robert Holden, and New Yorkers will hold the rally on the steps of City Hall to address the media on Thursday, August 15th, from 12pm-1pm before the Stated Council Meeting.

The advocates will raise awareness by holding posters depicting the abuse suffered by carriage horses, urging NYC leaders to pass Ryder’s Law (Intro 967) to shut down the exploitative horse carriage business. Despite ongoing criminal proceedings against notorious horse carriage owner Ian Mckeever, for the abuse and ultimate death of elderly and sick carriage horse Ryder, the plight of these animals continues to be disregarded.

In June, WAN recorded video footage following a meeting with NYCLASS to inspect the carriage horses in Central Park. Despite the city issuing a heat advisory suspension, mandating the immediate removal of the horses, the drivers persisted in offering rides 90 minutes after the suspension was enacted.

 “We are constantly finding carriage horses forced into heavy Midtown traffic daily that are elderly, injured, and sick – just like Ryder was. These horses are suffering immensely. An overwhelming number of polled New Yorkers – over 71% – want horse carriages banned. We call on TWU Local 100 President Richard Davis to stop defending and enabling Ian McKeever and other abusive carriage owners, and for the City Council to take action to finally end it,” said Edita Birnkrant, Executive Director of NYCLASS.

In May, NYCLASS helped rescue a lame carriage horse from slaughter. The horse, named Bernard, was discarded by his NYC carriage owner and would have been killed had a rescuer not intervened. Sadly, Bernard is in pain from leg lameness and other ailments due to years of serious neglect, but thankfully, will no longer suffer under the abuse of the horse carriage industry.

“The ongoing heartbreaking cruelty could end today if TWU Local 100 President Richard Davis, Speaker Adrienne Adams, and the City Council supported the passage of Ryder’s Law Intro 967. We can make New York City more compassionate by ending the 19th Century abuse of all of the horses still suffering on our streets every day by passing Ryder’s Law. It’s 2024 – this is long overdue,” said Birnkrant.

Combat Marine veterans and horse rescuers from The Unbridled Heroes Project conducted a wellness check on New York City carriage horses during a scorching heat advisory day. Despite the evident limping, lameness, and advanced age of the horses, they were still forced to pull heavy carriages through bustling streets, blatantly violating laws and showing complete disregard for the well-being of both the horses and the public.

A video compilation of their wellness check highlighted the suffering endured by the carriage horses, serving as a follow-up to their previous visit to the 38th Street stable after the tragic collapse and death of carriage horse Ryder in Hell’s Kitchen in 2022.

“Unbridled Heroes stand in strong support of Intro 967, the newly revised Ryder’s Law aimed at ending the cruel and unethical use of carriage horses in New York City. This practice, marked by relentless exploitation and harsh conditions, amounts to nothing less than torture,” said Amy McCambridge, Marine veteran and CEO of The Unbridled Heroes Project Horse Rescue. “For too long, these noble animals have been subjected to grueling labor, extreme weather, and perilous urban environments. The time has come to end this inhumane tradition and embrace a future that prioritizes the welfare and dignity of all living beings.”

“In the 21st Century, New York City, and frankly anywhere else, should no longer see horses laboring to pull carriages in city traffic; it’s a practice that’s outdated, inhumane, and unsafe. Passing a ban on horse-drawn carriages is a no-brainer decision that would protect horses and the public, and benefit workers, marking an end to this cruel and antiquated industry,” said Council Member Robert Holden.

You can take action today by calling NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams’ office at (212) 482-6731 and politely ask her to pass Intro 967 (Ryder’s Law) to ban cruel and unsafe horse carriages.

New York City residents should also contact their own Council Members and urge them to sign on and vote YES for Intro 967.

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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