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Wyoming Hunter Captured A Wolf, Taped Its Mouth Shut & Showed It Off At A Bar Before Killing It

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Disturbing news of a wolf that was captured and killed in Wyoming has outraged animal lovers around the world. A man allegedly captured a wolf, taped its mouth shut, and then took the injured animal to a bar to show it off. After tormenting the defenseless wolf, the man then took the animal to the back and shot it.

According to Cowboy State Daily, Cody Roberts, 42, who is a father and owns a trucking company, allegedly ran the wolf down with a snowmobile before capturing it.

The horrific incident occurred at the Green River Bar in Sublette County, Wyoming, where it is legal to kill wolves. However, by prolonging the suffering of the animal and allegedly subjecting it to torment as Roberts did, he was breaching hunting ethics. Roberts was fined a measly $250.

The predator zone, where the wolf was captured, encompassing over 80% of the state, permits unregulated wolf killing without the need for a license. Within this zone, wolves are designated as predatory animals throughout the year, allowing them to be legally hunted at any time according to state law.

“The tragedy endured by this innocent wolf highlights how both our nation and Wyoming neglect true wolf protection and conservation, allowing for the humiliation and slaughter of vital predators. We urge Green River Bar to take responsibility for this tragedy and face consequences,” Anjali Ranadive, President and Founder of Jaws & Paws, told WAN. “It’s shameful that individuals like Cody Roberts and the bar owners have the privilege of having wild wolves in their backyard and harm them, with Roberts’ $250 fine being unacceptable.”

“Stricter penalties are imperative to prevent further torture and wolves being pushed towards extinction again. When will wolves regain federal protection? It’s time for our government and states like Wyoming to realize legal killings only fuel illegal ones. We’re appalled by this situation,” continued Ranadive.

Wolves in the contiguous 48 states are protected under the Endangered Species Act following a 2022 court order, with the exception of the Northern Rocky Mountain population in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.

Sadly, in February, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service voted to leave the Northern Rocky Mountain population of gray wolves unprotected by not relisting them under the Endangered Species Act. This tragic decision will withhold protections desperately needed for wolf populations to recover in the U.S.

“A man tracked a wolf down with a snowmobile, crippled it, taped its mouth shut, and then paraded this maimed and suffering animal through a bar. Still, the penalty—a mere $250 fine—was only for being in possession of a live wolf. This is inhumane and utterly horrific. This crime not only highlights the troubling mindset of these radical hunters but also the lack of proper wildlife management practices in these states. It should never be okay to track and kill a wild animal,” Leslie Williams and Samantha Attwood, founding members of The #RelistWolves Campaign, told WAN.

“Cases like these prove how emboldened these criminals have become. A $250 fine is little more than a slap on the wrist and will not deter bad actors from wreaking further havoc on wolves. Every day, the story writes itself. Control over wolf populations cannot be left with the states, and wolves must be given protections under the Endangered Species Act,” continued Williams and Attwood.

#RelistWolves is a campaign launched by a coalition of NGO’s, scientists, concerned citizens, and political campaign strategists that aims to ensure that all wolves in the United States are protected under the Endangered Species Act.

Please contact The Wyoming Game and Fish Department and politely tell them that a $250 fine is not enough for the killing of an innocent wolf in this manner. Charges must be pressed and justice must be served! Please call (307) 777-4600. 

The continued attack on wolves needs to end! You can also take action to help #RelistWolvesHERE!

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