Breaking! Despite Public Outrage, Namibia Moves Forward With Their Controversial Plan To Auction Off 170 Wild Elephants

This morning, WAN was shocked to read the official statement from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism...

The U.S. Federal Government Kills Another Endangered Mexican Gray Wolf That Was A Father To Four Young Pups

According to a memo that was recently released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. federal...

The French Government Rejects Proposal To Move Orcas From Marineland Antibes To Seaside Sanctuary

In a discouraging development, the French Ministry of Ecological Diversity has turned down the Whale Sanctuary Project's proposal to relocate Wikie and Keijo, the two remaining orcas at Marineland...

Court Ruling Sets Deadline For Decision To Protect Hippos Under The Endangered Species Act

A recent federal court ruling has paved the way for increased protections of hippos in the United States. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must now decide by July...