Forests Under Threat: The Urgent Call To President Trump To Halt Harmful Logging

Last Saturday, President Trump enacted an executive order aiming to bypass essential environmental protections to accelerate logging and road construction. This move is intended to markedly boost timber extraction across U.S. federal forests, which account for approximately one-third of the nation’s forested areas.

Consequently, these federal forests now face the threat of significant environmental degradation, as economic interests risk taking precedence over ecological preservation.

These forests are not just scenic landscapes—they are vital ecosystems that provide critical habitats for wildlife, clean drinking water, and a buffer against natural disasters like wildfires. Increasing logging in these areas will devastate wildlife habitats, pollute waterways, and intensify the risk of wildfires by removing older, more fire-resistant trees that help protect against uncontrolled fires.

“Trump’s order will unleash the chainsaws and bulldozers on our beautiful, irreplaceable federal forests,” said Randi Spivak, public lands policy director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Clearcutting these amazing national treasures will increase fire risk, drive imperiled wildlife to extinction, pollute our rivers and streams, and destroy world-class recreation sites.”

The order directs the U.S. Forest Service and the Interior Department to significantly increase logging and roadbuilding on national forests and public lands, potentially causing lasting environmental harm.

First, there will be serious impacts on drinking water supplies. U.S. national forests and grasslands are the largest source of municipal water for more than 60 million people across 33 states. Logging harms water quality by increasing soil erosion, which leads to sediment runoff that pollutes waterways with dirt and debris. This destruction threatens the health and safety of millions who rely on these forests for clean drinking water.

Second, wildlife will be driven to extinction. Trump’s executive order mandates that the U.S. Forest Service and Interior Department use emergency provisions of the Endangered Species Act to facilitate large-scale logging. More than 400 species protected under the Act, such as grizzly bears, spotted owls, and wild salmon, depend on these forests for survival. Increased logging in these sensitive areas will only push them closer to the brink of extinction.

Lastly, wildfire risk will increase. Industrial logging for timber production makes forests more vulnerable to wildfires. Older, taller trees are more fire-resistant and help slow the spread of flames, but clearcutting removes these trees, leaving behind an environment more prone to devastating fires.

Our public lands are precious, and they should not be sacrificed for short-term profit. They are irreplaceable treasures that provide clean water, protect wildlife, and offer recreational spaces that enrich the lives of millions of Americans. We must protect them from destruction and continue to fight for their preservation, ensuring they remain untouched for future generations to come.

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