Breaking! High Fashion Brand Valentino To Go Fur-Free By 2022 & Will Also Be Closing Down Their Fur Subsidiary, Valentino Polar

Iconic Italian fashion designer Valentino is the latest major fashion house to eliminate fur from its collections. The company will phase out fur by the end of the year as well as close down its fur subsidiary, Valentino Polar.

“The fur-free stance is perfectly in-line with the values of our company. We are moving full-steam ahead in the research for alternative materials in view of a greater attention to the environment for the upcoming collections,” Valentino shared, noting that the move is a step to help redefine and reinvigorate the brand.

This announcement comes as the UK government is considering making Britain the first country in the world to ban the sale of fur. Valentino joins a rapidly expanding group of fashion designers dropping fur, including: Prada, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Jimmy Choo, and Burberry, among many others. Most recently, British high fashion design house Alexander McQueen and Spanish designer Balenciaga also declared a fur-free policy.

“Valentino dropping fur is a major nail in the coffin for the cruel fur trade. Like so many other designers, Valentino knows that using fur makes brands look outdated and out of touch, and fur industry certification schemes are little more than the hollow PR spin of an industry that kills 100 million animals for fur a year,” Martina Pluda, Director of Humane Society International/Italy, said in a statement. “Compassion and sustainability are the new luxury in a world where dressing in the fur of factory farmed foxes or gassed mink is tasteless and cruel.”

Humane Society International, along with the Humane Society of the United States, met with Valentino in 2019 to discuss its fur policy. The following year in 2020, Humane Society International/UK commissioned a YouGov opinion poll that revealed that 93% of the British population rejects wearing real animal fur, and 72% supports a ban on the sale of fur in the UK.

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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