Bull Jumps Into Audience At Oregon Rodeo Injuring Three, Sparking Calls For A Ban On The Barbaric “Sport”

Last weekend, several people were injured when a bull jumped a fence into the audience at the Sisters Rodeo in Oregon. Three people were injured, and two of them were taken to the hospital.

In video footage captured by an eyewitness, the bull can be seen moving towards the concession area and tossing a woman into the air.

After the chaos, the rodeo handlers secured the bull next to the holding pens, and then transferred him to an enclosure. According to reports, this will be the 3-year-old bull’s last rodeo. His owner stated that the bull will now spend the rest of his days on his ranch in eastern Washington, unfortunately siring more bulls to be used in rodeos.

“An alarming incident at the PRCA sanctioned Sisters Rodeo in Oregon reminded us that while rodeo is a highly-entertaining sport, on very rare occasions, it can also pose some risk,” stated The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association.

It’s not surprising that an organization that supports using animals for profit would minimize the horrific situation that occurred last week. The truth is, rodeos cause unnecessary stress, pain, and injury to innocent animals.

The so-called sport not only inflicts suffering on animals, but also presents a significant risk to human participants. Analysis of a 10-year retrospective case series showed many common injuries in rodeo events. Out of seventy patients identified, half were injured by direct contact with the animals, and 34 were injured by falls. Head injuries were most common, occurring in 54.3% of people, with 28.6% requiring surgery.

Numerous towns, cities, states, and countries acknowledge the antiquated nature of rodeos and have moved to abolish or limit this inhumane form of entertainment. Rodeo proponents often claim that their industry represents a “True American Sport,” but this list demonstrates that people across America are rejecting the abusive practices inherent at rodeos.

“Tradition should never serve as an excuse for cruelty,” said Showing Animals Respect & Kindness (SHARK).

You can help ban rodeos and address their inherent cruelty by advocating for legislative changes, contact lawmakers, sign petitions, and support animal welfare organizations that are working tirelessly to ban this cruel sport.

Promoting alternative and humane forms of entertainment, engaging local leaders, and using social media to spread the message, are also crucial. Additionally, participating in peaceful protests and legal actions can help the movement against rodeos. By combining these efforts, we can effectively work towards banning rodeos for good.

Please help SHARK continue their incredible work to end acts of cruelty towards animals, including rodeos, by donating HERE!

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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