Urgent! Emails Needed TODAY To Help Save The Life Of A Sweet Mute Swan Being Unfairly Targeted At PGA West In La Quinta, California

Photos from Palm Springs Wildlife Advocates, Facebook and Cherry Whittley

Mute swans are majestic birds that generally evoke feelings of love and tranquility. Sadly, for one such swan and a community that treasures him, life has been anything but peaceful lately.

Over the last few weeks, there has been a fight to save the life of this beautiful swan. A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow to determine if he lives or dies. That is why it is imperative that people voice their support today to save the swan’s life.

Members of the board of PGA West Homeowners Association in La Quinta, California, where the beloved swan has lived for the last nine years, are planning to meet tomorrow to vote on if the swan should be removed or be sent to a sanctuary. This despite most of the residents wanting the swan to be left alone. While the city of La Quinta, which is near Palm Springs, does not have a dedicated animal control division, it does have a “code compliance” officer who handles complaints.

“They said that they would not kill the swan,” Bettina Rosmarino, the Founder and Director of Palm Springs Wildlife Advocates (PSWA), a local nonprofit organization that has taken charge of advocating for the swan, told WAN. “But, calling animal control is akin to killing.”

Rosmarino, who has been advocating for animals for more than 30 years, informed the board of this in an email saying that “any trapping wildlife removal ALWAYS means death because it’s illegal to relocate wildlife.” Now, she is urging people to send their email pleas to spare the swan’s life and let him stay where he is. The emails must be sent to the list of board members below today. The organization has also provided a sample letter to send out.

WAN questioned why the PGA West Board is targeting this swan when others also live on the property?

“That is a good question,” replied Rosmarino, who shared that her organization and the residents who live in PGA West want to know the answer as well.

According to Rosmarino, the mute swan, who sadly lost his mate five years ago after she flew into a window and died, reportedly built his nest on the patio of a vacant house that remained uninhabited for more than a year. When the new owners arrived, it is thought that the swan must have become territorial and flapped his wings at them. The swan subsequently left the patio. The people filed a complaint but have since rescinded it because they also care about the swan and do not want him to be killed.

During a meeting last week, the board’s attorney referred to the swan as a “vicious animal,” which is ridiculous!

Many of the residents that Rosmaniro describes as having a “beautiful relationship with the somewhat habituated yet sweet swan” also attended the meeting. Among them was Brooke Durham, a licensed wildlife rehabber who lives on the property but was not allowed to speak on behalf of saving the swan’s life, as well as another resident who is very passionate about advocating for the swan that she flew in from Texas where she is spending the summer, to attend the meeting.

Palm Springs Wildlife Advocates shared the urgent call to action on its Facebook page, urging people to send “respectful” emails to the board members of PGA West before tomorrow’s meeting.

Sample letter:

Dear Board Members of PGA West,

Please work with Palm Springs Wildlife Advocates (PSWA) and residents to come to a workable solution for the swan living at a lake in the community. This swan has been there for almost a decade and has been a beloved resident. PSWA has a proposal available to you that will help mitigate the risks of which you are concerned. These mitigation methods include signage in the area, a designated nesting area, and communication with residents surrounding the lake. If these methods are not sufficient to reduce the risk, then the next step may be to rehome the swan at a wildlife facility. Please reach out to PSWA and determine what options are available. Thank you for your time.

Please send your emails today to: jan.vanwilligen1@gmail.com, gavin@schutzlq.com, pgaw@aol.com, ptpgagolf@gmail.com, tcuex@hotmail.com, deanrivale@yahoo.com, and noltecat@gmail.com.

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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