Victory! Downers Grove, Illinois, Bans Declawing To Protect Cats From Cruel & Inhumane Procedure

Downers Grove, Illinois, took a stand for animal welfare by officially banning the cruel and unnecessary practice of cat declawing. The ordinance marks a major victory in the fight to end this inhumane procedure—one that should be outlawed nationwide.

Declawing isn’t just a simple manicure; it’s a major surgical procedure that amputates the last bone of each toe, equivalent to cutting off a human’s fingers at the last knuckle. The consequences for cats can be devastating—leading to permanent pain, nerve damage, mobility issues, and behavioral problems that often result in abandonment or euthanasia.

“Cats’ claws are essential to their overall health, and declawing — which is only medically necessary in rare circumstances — can cause chronic injury and lifelong pain,” said Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) Strategic Legislative Affairs Manager Alicia Prygoski. “We are grateful to the Downers Grove Village Council for protecting cats by prohibiting cruel cat declaw surgeries.” 

By passing this ban, Downers Grove joins a growing movement to protect cats from unnecessary suffering. Across the U.S., momentum is building, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, Washington, D.C., and Virginia have already outlawed the procedure, along with several cities. With 70% of veterinary professionals opposing declawing—according to a 2024 ALDF poll—it’s clear that science and ethics align on this issue.

There is no excuse for this outdated, barbaric practice to continue. Humane alternatives like scratching posts, regular nail trims, and behavioral training make declawing unnecessary. Now is the time for every city and state to follow the lead of Downers Grove to ensure that no cat endures this cruel and life-altering procedure.

Let’s make this a national ban—because no cat should suffer for human convenience.

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