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New IFAW Dolphin Rescue & Rehab Facility Saves Stranded Marine Mammals On Cape Cod

Photos by: IFAW  A first-of-its-kind rehabilitation facility for dolphins and porpoises fills a critical unmet need as it opens on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, this month. Wildlife...

Bill To End The Use Of Steel-Jaw Leghold Traps & Snares In National Wildlife Refuges Has Been Reintroduced In The U.S.

Hopeful news as the Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act was reintroduced last week in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill would prohibit the use...

Kinkajous, Anteaters & Howler Monkeys Rescued From Illegal Wildlife Trafficking In Guatemala Are Returned To The Wild

In a joint effort by non-governmental organizations Humane Society International/Latin America and Asociacion Rescate y Conservacion de Vida Silvestre (ARCAS) —40 animals, including 14 different...

A Landmark Victory For Sea Turtles As Enhanced Protection Of Their Habitat Is Designated In The Atlantic Ocean

Beaches along the Atlantic coast from North Carolina to Florida support the largest aggregation of nesting loggerhead sea turtles in the world. Within this...

Beloved Orca Lolita Has Died At Miami Seaquarium Before Being Returned Back To Her Ocean Home

It is with a heavy heart that WAN reports that southern resident orca Lolita, also known as Tokitae, has died. The Miami Seaquarium stated in...

$15,000 Reward For Information On The Killing Of An Endangered Red Wolf In North Carolina; Only 13 Remain In The Wild

The Center for Biological Diversity is offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to a successful prosecution in the illegal killing of an endangered red wolf in...


What's hot in the world of animal news

World Animal News TOP Stories Making Headlines This Month

1. Congratulations to Joaquin Phoenix for winning Best Actor at the Oscars for his outstanding performance in the Joker.  Joaquin gave an inspirational speech using...

World Animal News TOP Stories Happening Now

Here is World Animal News’ Top 10 Stories Happening Now: 1. Colorado Parks & Wildlife Confirms First Gray Wolf Pack Sighting In The State Since...

China Upgrades Native Pangolin Protection Status; They Will No Longer Be Used In Traditional Chinese Medicine

China has upgraded the national protection status of its native pangolin species, in particular the Chinese Pangolin Manis pentadactyla, to Class I, the highest form...

U.S. Senator Cory Booker Introduces Important Bill To Shut Down Wildlife Markets Which Threaten Public Health In The United States

U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced a bipartisan bill, the Preventing Future Pandemics Act, which would direct the State Department to...

Breaking! Congratulations To Animal Activist & Vegan Joaquin Phoenix For Winning A Golden Globe For Best Actor In ‘Joker’

At last night’s 77th Golden Globe Awards, notable animal activist and vegan Joaquin Phoenix won for his outstanding performance in the feature film Joker. The...

Breaking! Congratulations To Animal Activist & Vegan Joaquin Phoenix For Winning A Golden Globe For Best Actor In ‘Joker’

At last night’s 77th Golden Globe Awards, notable animal activist and vegan Joaquin Phoenix won for his outstanding performance in the feature film Joker. The...

U.S. Senator Cory Booker Introduces Important Bill To Shut Down Wildlife Markets Which Threaten Public Health In The United States

U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced a bipartisan bill, the Preventing Future Pandemics Act, which would direct the State Department to...

China Upgrades Native Pangolin Protection Status; They Will No Longer Be Used In Traditional Chinese Medicine

China has upgraded the national protection status of its native pangolin species, in particular the Chinese Pangolin Manis pentadactyla, to Class I, the highest form...

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Breaking! Despite Public Outrage, Namibia Moves Forward With Their Controversial Plan To Auction Off 170 Wild Elephants

This morning, WAN was shocked to read the official statement from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism of Namibia in response to their...

North America’s First Whale Sanctuary Selected By Whale Sanctuary Project In Port Hilford, Nova Scotia

The Whale Sanctuary Project has announced that it will work together with Sherbrooke and the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s on the Eastern...

Urgent Call To Action! Koalas Found Dead After Their Habitat Was Bulldozed By A Logging Company In Australia; Investigation Currently Underway

Photos from Friends of the Earth Australia With the heart-breaking images of wildlife perishing from the wildfires that continue to decimate parts of Australia, it...

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China’s Wildlife Farmers Offered A Buy-Out To Transition Away From Breeding Wild Animals For Consumption & Instead Grow Plant-Based Foods

Wildlife farmers in two provinces in mainland China are being offered a government buy-out to facilitate a move away from breeding wild animals for...

Kevin Hart Partners With Beyond Meat On Its Feed A Million+ Pledge & Sends Beyond Burgers To Doctors & Nurses At Northridge Medical Center...

As reported by WAN earlier this week, Beyond Meat announced that the company, along with their dedicated partners, are working to donate and distribute...

WAN Exclusive: Help Feed Hungry & Homeless Animals Worldwide For Only $1 During SPCAI’s COVID-19 ‘My Next Bowl’ Fundraiser Through May 9th

Photos from: SPCAI Partner Anima Leondo Road in the Dominican Republic  Everyone needs a little more help and compassion these days as the devastating COVID-19 pandemic...

Breaking! Starbucks Announces 30-Year Commitment To ‘Go Green’ By Offering More Plant-Based Options

Starbucks’ Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Johnson, announced today a multi-decade commitment to be a resource-positive company, that gives more than it takes from the...

Humane Society Of The United States Offers Tips For Pet Owners During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has assembled a toolkit for animal shelters to help them respond to the needs of the communities...

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