Ryder’s Law: A Beacon Of Hope For Carriage Horses In NYC To Ban The Cruel & Outdated Industry

Hopeful news has just emerged from the NYC Council, with the introduction of a new and enhanced bill (Intro 967) to ban horse carriages.

Named Ryder’s Law in memory of Ryder, the horse who tragically perished due to the inhumane practices of the carriage industry, the newly amended bill seeks to end this outdated and cruel tradition.

Ryder’s Law will protect horses from ending up in slaughterhouses and establish a workforce development program to aid carriage drivers in transitioning to alternative employment.

Council Member Robert Holden, along with his colleagues in the NYC Council, Council Members Erik Bottcher, Tiffany Cabán, Rita Joseph, Keith Powers, Christopher Marte, Joann Ariola, and Shahana Hanif introduced the bill.

Although electric carriages would have been a perfect solution to transition to a cruelty-free alternative to horse carriages, the unethical carriage owners refused to consider it, which is why it is not included in the new bill. 

“With Ryder’s Law, we will finally free the horses, dismantle this cruel industry, and support the drivers in finding new, sustainable employment. Their union has shown a blatant disregard for their welfare, and it’s time we stepped in to provide them with the help they deserve,” said Council Member Holden.

The horses not only endure neglect by being forced to work in extreme heat waves despite injuries, but also lack a proper stable for rest after hours.

Privately operated stables in Manhattan, including the one that housed Ryder, the carriage horse who collapsed in Hell’s Kitchen in 2022, kept at least nine emaciated horses in cramped and dingy stalls, according to disturbing footage obtained by The Post.

The heartbreaking video, recorded by the horse rescue group Unbridled Heroes Project, revealed horrific conditions at the West Side Livery stable on West 38th Street, between 10th and 11th Avenue. The footage shows at least nine horses with protruding bones standing in tightly confined stalls with soiled floors and minimal bedding.

Sadly, Ryder passed away a few months after collapsing on the hot pavement. Thankfully, carriage horse owner Ian McKeever is now on trial in New York City for abusing Ryder. The trial began on Thursday, May 30th, and his next court date is set for July 15th.

“The overwhelming majority of polled New Yorkers want cruel and unsafe horse carriages shut down, and NYCLASS applauds Council Member Holden for introducing a revised bill to do exactly that,” said Edita Birnkrant, Executive Director of NYCLASS. “We urge the City Council to swiftly pass this bill and honor the will of residents sick of seeing horses collide with cars, run wild into traffic, and collapse and die on our streets due to neglect and criminal abuse. 

“The Manhattan DA is currently prosecuting longtime horse carriage owner Ian McKeever for criminal animal cruelty to his elderly and sick horse Ryder who collapsed in Hell’s Kitchen and later died – but that’s just the tip of the iceberg of rampant and systematic horse abuse. Last month, NYCLASS helped rescue a lame former NYC carriage horse from slaughter – discarded like trash by his owner once he was too injured and in pain to keep pulling a carriage,” continued Birnkrant. “The NYC Council can make this shameful cruelty a thing of the past and create a kinder and safer New York for all by passing Ryder’s Law, and the time to do it is now.”

The truth is, horse carriages are no longer needed. Tourists and locals have other means of getting around the park and city. These horses should not have to endure continued abuse and be forced to work during extreme heat waves, all in the name of profit. It’s time to ban horse carriages in New York City for good.

You can take action today by calling NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams’ office at (212) 482-6731 and politely ask her to pass Intro 967 (Ryder’s Law) to ban cruel and unsafe horse carriages.

New York City residents should also contact their own Council Member and urge them to sign on and vote YES for Intro 967.

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