WANTED! $26,500 Reward Offered For Information Regarding Two Separate Illegal Wolf Killings In Oregon

The Oregon Wildlife Coalition, conservation partners, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are offering rewards totaling $26,500 for information leading to the arrests and convictions following the separate killings of two wolves in Oregon.

“I’m so saddened to learn of the illegal killings of two more Oregon wolves, which add to the enormous spike in human-caused wolf mortality we’ve been seeing here the past several years,” said Amaroq Weiss, senior wolf advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Wherever wolves live in Oregon, federally protected or not, there is no hunting of wolves allowed. Killing this wolf was illegal and also morally wrong.”

Yesterday, wildlife conservation groups announced a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction for the illegal killing of a collared male wolf found on November 13th in Jackson County, southwestern Oregon. Since the wolf was killed in a part of the state where wolves are still federally protected under the Endangered Species Act, the Service has offered a $5,000 reward, for a total reward of $15,000.

The conservation groups announced a separate $11,500 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction for the illegal killing of a collared female wolf found on November 27th in northeast Oregon in Baker County.

The poaching incidents were publicly reported on December 5th by the Service and by Oregon State Police. The Oregon Wildlife Coalition and conservation partners have a standing reward to assist in prosecuting all illegal wolf killings.

“Poaching is cowardly and illegal. Poachers are stealing from all Oregonians and undermining decades of conservation efforts,” said Bethany Cotton, conservation director with Cascadia Wildlands. “We call on the public to come forward with any information that may help bring those responsible to justice and for law enforcement to redouble their efforts.”

The wolf killed in Jackson County, known as OR-125, was found dead on November 13th near Union Creek, east of Crater Lake. He was a member of the Indigo pack, whose territory is north of Crater Lake straddling Douglas and Klamath counties.

Authorities were alerted on November 27th to the second poached wolf discovered within the Keating Wildlife Management Unit about 25 miles east of Baker City. State wildlife agency officials have indicated that this female wolf, OR-95, was a member of the Cornucopia pack.

“Wolf poaching continues to be a tragic assault on Oregon’s values and our natural heritage,” said Danielle Moser with Oregon Wild. “Each death is a blow to the resilience and integrity of our wild landscapes.”

Since 2001, at least 34 wolves are known to have been poached across the state, with most killed in eastern Oregon. Scientific research has shown that removing protections for wolves is associated with increased illegal killings. For every illegally slain wolf found, another one to two wolves have been killed and remain undiscovered.

Anyone with information regarding the OR-125 case is urged to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at (503) 682-6131 or the Oregon State Police TIP line at (800) 452-7888.

Callers with information on the wolf killed near Baker City should reach out only to the Oregon State Police line. Callers may remain anonymous. Reports also can be made HERE!

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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