Slovakia’s Last Circus Tigers Finally Find Happiness At FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary In The Netherlands

In January 2025, the FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in The Netherlands welcomed two former circus tigers, Samba and Kenya. This event marked a significant turning point in the fight against animal cruelty in circuses.

The two tigresses, the last of their kind in Slovakia’s circuses, had spent years confined in tiny trailers, enduring a life of deprivation and unnatural conditions. However, thanks to a rescue operation by global animal welfare organization FOUR PAWS, their lives have dramatically improved.

After a successful treatment for parasites, and a period of quarantine, the 14-year-old tigers were slowly reintroduced to one another, cautiously monitored by the experienced caretakers at FELIDA. Despite having lived in cramped conditions together for years, it was not certain that the two tigers would bond.

FELIDA’s team developed a careful resocialization process to determine if the tigers could peacefully share an outdoor enclosure. Once it became clear that they could, Samba and Kenya were released into their spacious, species-appropriate new home, finally experiencing what it’s like to walk on real grass.

“After they cautiously entered their outdoor enclosures and got a feeling for their new surroundings, Samba and Kenya quickly found their favorite spot to rest and take a nap. We often see them lying close to each other in or around a cozy ditch. During a nice sunny day, Kenya took a long nap in the ditch,” said Juno van Zon, Head of Animal and Facility Management at FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary.

“Finally, away from loud crowds and stressful performances, both seem to slowly be recovering from their past, continued Zon. “We can’t wait to share more of their journey to recovery. For now, we’ll give them all the space and time needed to get used to each other and closely monitor the development of their relationship.”

Circuses that exploit these majestic creatures for entertainment often keep them in tiny cages or trailers for years, which is harmful to their physical and psychological well-being. Tigers, like all wild animals, thrive in their natural habitat, where they can roam freely, hunt, and exhibit natural behaviors. By forcing animals like Samba and Kenya to perform for human entertainment, circuses strip them of their dignity and deny them the freedom they need to live fulfilling lives.

This incredible rescue highlights the importance of ending the use of wild animals in circuses. These animals belong in the wild, where they can live according to their instincts and thrive in their natural environment. With continued efforts from organizations like FOUR PAWS and sanctuaries like FELIDA, we can work towards a future where animals like Samba and Kenya no longer suffer in captivity, but instead enjoy the freedom they deserve.

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