Browse these fresh articles and never miss an amazing story

41 Parrots Rescued From Illegal Wildlife Trafficking Released Into Maya Biosphere Reserve

Photos By: HSI A group of 41 iconic parrots, comprised of various species, has been released into the Maya Biosphere Reserve. These iconic birds are...

First Gray Wolf Pup Has Been Born In Colorado Since Their Reintroduction Into The State

Some exciting news as Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has confirmed the birth of a wolf pup from a pair of recently reintroduced gray...

New Legislation Seeks To Ban Interstate Transport Of Vulnerable Livestock & Improve Travel Conditions

Earlier this month, The Humane Transport of Farmed Animals Act was introduced by U.S. Representative Dina Titus (D-NV) to improve conditions for livestock transported...

Ryder’s Law: A Beacon Of Hope For Carriage Horses In NYC To Ban The Cruel & Outdated Industry

Hopeful news has just emerged from the NYC Council, with the introduction of a new and enhanced bill (Intro 967) to ban horse carriages. Named...

Cockfighting Ban In Costa Rica Upheld After Being Challenged By Cockfighting Breeders Association

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has dismissed a complaint regarding Costa Rica's ban on cockfighting, a decision hailed as a significant win for...

Saving The Vaquita: A Race Against Extinction, Only Six-Eight Remain In The World

Illustration by: Frédérique Lucas The Mexican government announced last week that only an estimated six to eight critically endangered vaquitas may remain in the Sea...


What's hot in the world of animal news

U.S. Senator Cory Booker Introduces Important Bill To Shut Down Wildlife Markets Which Threaten Public Health In The United States

U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced a bipartisan bill, the Preventing Future Pandemics Act, which would direct the State Department to...

World Animal News TOP Stories Making Headlines This Month

1. Congratulations to Joaquin Phoenix for winning Best Actor at the Oscars for his outstanding performance in the Joker.  Joaquin gave an inspirational speech using...

Breaking! Congratulations To Animal Activist & Vegan Joaquin Phoenix For Winning A Golden Globe For Best Actor In ‘Joker’

At last night’s 77th Golden Globe Awards, notable animal activist and vegan Joaquin Phoenix won for his outstanding performance in the feature film Joker. The...

China Upgrades Native Pangolin Protection Status; They Will No Longer Be Used In Traditional Chinese Medicine

China has upgraded the national protection status of its native pangolin species, in particular the Chinese Pangolin Manis pentadactyla, to Class I, the highest form...

World Animal News TOP Stories Happening Now

Here is World Animal News’ Top 10 Stories Happening Now: 1. Colorado Parks & Wildlife Confirms First Gray Wolf Pack Sighting In The State Since...

Breaking! Congratulations To Animal Activist & Vegan Joaquin Phoenix For Winning A Golden Globe For Best Actor In ‘Joker’

At last night’s 77th Golden Globe Awards, notable animal activist and vegan Joaquin Phoenix won for his outstanding performance in the feature film Joker. The...

U.S. Senator Cory Booker Introduces Important Bill To Shut Down Wildlife Markets Which Threaten Public Health In The United States

U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced a bipartisan bill, the Preventing Future Pandemics Act, which would direct the State Department to...

China Upgrades Native Pangolin Protection Status; They Will No Longer Be Used In Traditional Chinese Medicine

China has upgraded the national protection status of its native pangolin species, in particular the Chinese Pangolin Manis pentadactyla, to Class I, the highest form...

Featured Animal Spotlight

A few of our favorites

Breaking! New Mexico Approves Cruel Trapping & Killing Of Wildlife Despite Public Opposition Putting Endangered Mexican Gray Wolves, Wildlife & Pets At Risk

In an unfathomable move, the New Mexico Game Commission approved the trapping of bobcats, foxes, and other fur-bearing species throughout the state, disappointing wildlife...

Breaking! Approximately 140 Dogs Rescued In Large-Scale Alleged Neglect Case In Dixie County, Florida

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is assisting the Dixie County Sheriff’s Office in rescuing approximately 140 dogs in a large-scale alleged...

Breaking! Despite Public Outrage, Namibia Moves Forward With Their Controversial Plan To Auction Off 170 Wild Elephants

This morning, WAN was shocked to read the official statement from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism of Namibia in response to their...

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Kevin Hart Partners With Beyond Meat On Its Feed A Million+ Pledge & Sends Beyond Burgers To Doctors & Nurses At Northridge Medical Center...

As reported by WAN earlier this week, Beyond Meat announced that the company, along with their dedicated partners, are working to donate and distribute...

China Bans Wildlife Trade Permanently Due To The Coronavirus Outbreak That Has Already Claimed The Lives Of More Than 2,700 People

Yesterday, The National People’s Congress Standing Committee in China declared an immediate and “comprehensive” ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals, as...

China’s Wildlife Farmers Offered A Buy-Out To Transition Away From Breeding Wild Animals For Consumption & Instead Grow Plant-Based Foods

Wildlife farmers in two provinces in mainland China are being offered a government buy-out to facilitate a move away from breeding wild animals for...

Breaking! Veggie Grill Launches Más Veggies Taqueria In The United States; All Plant-Based Mexican Restaurant Featuring Beyond Meat

Más Veggies Taqueria, a new virtual concept by Veggie Grill, launched this week, marks the first national Mexican restaurant offering all plant-based and planet-friendly food...

WAN Exclusive With Vincent DePaul Of Gangster Vegan Organics Who Is Feeding Thousands During The Pandemic With His ‘Feeding The Block‘ Campaign

Photos from: Vincent DePaul and Gangster Vegan Organics Once a week in Norristown, Pennsylvania, and surrounding neighborhoods, Vincent DePaul, Founder of Gangster Vegan Organics Restaurants,...

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